RISE–PHP项目管理源码 v2.4

RISE–PHP项目管理源码 v2.4




RISE �C PHP项目管理,客户和团队成员协作的不错选择。 您可以轻松与团队协作并监控项目进展。 源码易于使用和安装,基于CodeIgniter框架编写,程序有多语言、多用户、项目管理、客户管理、团队管理、活动管理等多项功能。 Rb k 3 vISE �C PHP项目管理在线演示v ; k ? X Q http://rise.fairsketch.com/index.php/signin 管理员登录 [email protected] 123456 普通用户登录 [email protected] 123456 RISE �C PHP项目管理源码系统需求 Apache + PHP + MySQL PHP 版本v5.6或更高9 r u u C q MySql支持 CURL 启用 Latest OpenSSL date.t K P d Q + +timezone 设置启用 RISE�C PHP项目管理源码功能简介 易于* c D P % h访问的UI 项目管理 客户管理 团队管理 团队交流 与团队成员和客户的站内私人消息 任务,里程碑,甘特图,笔记,文件和客户反} Q T q _ v J ?馈 项目时间表和时间跟踪器 拖放文件的工具 自定义字段 网络和电子邮件通知 账2 6 8 m m U单管理 账单pdf,在线支付(PayPal和条纹) 费用和付款报告 团队成员的自定义角色(权限) 活动日历 私人笔记 可定制的T G 9 v u _电子邮件模板 考勤卡/考勤管理 时间卡输入的IP限制 离开管z { # n b 2 G $ V理层 团队成员的详细信息视图 公告/通知管理 报告打印和导出 动. Y r = * / 0态图形和可视化报告 项目的活动日志 单击即可安装更新 启用/禁用模块 Codeigniter 3.1.5 等等更多… RISE�_ J v fC PHP项目管E K x j J _理源码更新日6 l 9志 Version 2.4 �C 18 February, 2020 [Added] Left menu customizat, 5 5 n % – r _ion option for default app, individual users and clients [Added] Global search from topbar (Keyboard shortcut /) [Added] New page for task details view [Added] Task update option8 ` s in the task de6 y @ : D u D x &tails modal [Added] Option to add sub tasks from task detaZ S l P (ils view [Added] Oa / / x _ lption to add task dependency from task detail view [Added] GDm PR Options [Added] New settings to creA 2 ` Y kate pages [Added] Footer settings for public pages [Added] New access permission for clients to accesR h : W ; X I zs files which are added in clients& | + { fil– O ` ` 2 ] / | 4es tab [Added] A link to view the invoice and estimate pdf preview [Added] Opti} f n ton to add client contacj ( P 4 #ts in projects and assign tasks to the client contacw @ | s # jts [Added] New client settiz l [ D Q B f .ng to give project edit permission [Added] New settin6 b 9 9 e mgs to enable invoice payment without client login [Added] A widget to show the count of draft invoices [Added] A widget to show the total amount of draft mode invoices [Added] Shortcut key for different quick add modals [Added] Protection against CSRF. We recomm8 A w y hend to enable it. Please9 7 u follow instructions here: http://rise.fairsketch.com/documentation/#csrf_protection [Added] Better pa6 A Essword encryption. We recommend t] ^ V ^o update your password. [Added] Option to create new c8 2 ; F u k +lient or add ticket to exiting client when any ticJ * ) . F uket creo k } . a f Lated by unknown client [Added] Mo6 Z vdule setting to enable/disable Gantt [Added] Monthly timesheet statistics chart [Added] New widget foJ | D l 4r pending leave approval [Added] Nt . ~ f Zew settings to enable/disable the theme color changer and set default theme color [Added] Option tu X o k – vo attache$ 8 R f w ` F extra files when sending invoices [Added] User wise pre-madex U : 2 signature for tickets [Added] Project wise filter in income vsV ` + 6 expenses report [Added] Sortable estimate items [Added] Settings to auto close inactive tickets after x days [Added] All client contacts list view# R , r & h ( d ! [Added] TiK E M hmesheet settings to allow or not multiple timeS Z –rs at a t@ a |ime [Added] Group by option in the Gantt view by projects [Added] Estimate footer settings [Added] Task points range settings up to 20 [Added] New client settings to disable client invitationc W X w 4 [Added] Option to ree Y ) Osend the client password fro@ C Z 9 7 r lm admin panel [Added] Show year in milestones list [Added] Co8 s ^ cnfig to$ $ 0 enable/disable the plus sign in columns for small window [Added] Settings to define which fieldsk U D ~ wi_ D ` p u Rll be visible in public estimate rc Q h k | j @ *equest form [Added] New imap setting to create tickets only by registej m x $ ared emails [Added] Add TDS option in invoices [Added] RTL theme setting [Added] AT u 6 , ] 9 r @ J new th q L % Z , b c 8heme color schema [Added] Project title variable in invoice send email subject [Added] Permission to edit custom field of client by client [Added] Text alignment option in rich text editor [Added] Project members inD U f e 1 _ – W * the task@ C F K c # c 3 reminder notify to option [Updated] Task deadlin~ f F J &e should not be after project deadline [Updated] Some design and usabili~ , ? ! e G tty options updated [Updated] Categorized the email templates setting menu E ~ ! K [ ~ [Updated] WhM z v X D ren editing invoicV | A /em ` { a 7 T S item, retrieve the item details fromi j Y & J x L E W item table [Fixed] GL o D I = 9ot error in client’s dashboard settings pa7 A E : z H 4ge when thera ( n / T ~ j [e are no clients added [Fixed] Project note marked as pu9 y C ! d a m Eblic then i9 T bt shows on all projects [Fixed] Timesheets date sorting isn’t working [Fixed] Can’t reset any custom field value [Fixed] Estimate total is missin} Z . i Vg in pdf when using tax [Fixed] Excel file doesn’t export the total of all pages, only export the first page [Fixed] Invoice and nl R % P C ^otification is not working for some server. [Fixed] Ticket last activity column shows same time for aK K ) r t d F qll tickets [Fixed] Can’t change thS + I # @e email of lead contact [Fixed] In the send invop 5 @ ice template, the due date format is not follU K e : zowing according to date fT t Bormat se% Q z , et` Z , H 3 l $ting RISE�C PHP项目管理源码安装方c i , & ^ Y ( 3 u法 1、下载解压缩q u U I 8 N P源码 2、上传文件到服务器 3、打开u H W 2 J Y 5http://yourdomaiL X e x Hn.com/install 进行q ~ ( K !安装 4、环境属性检测通过后输入数据库信息以及管理员登录信息 5、^ F ! V I Y n H C授权码随意填写即可n ? 0 B w A K , 9 6、安装成功删除install文件夹



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